Our loyalty program
Club Go, our travel loyalty program, rewards what you love most—seeing the world. Sign up to start enjoying benefits right away.
Earn stackable savings by joining our Club Go loyalty program
Create an account
You'll automatically become a member of our loyalty program.
Book a trip
You start raking in rewards after you return from your first trip.
Earn credits
Use these to customize and save on your next trip.

Redeem rewards
Cash in your credits to score discounts on future trips.
Love travel? You’re in good company.
“Seeing the tigers in India, hiking around Uluru in Australia—there isn’t a tour we’ve taken that hasn’t delivered truly memorable moments.”
—Davara, Globetrotter / 14+ past tours
Benefits by level
Seeing the world is always something to celebrate, and Club Go does just that. Every time you travel, you’ll earn perks to use on your next trips—and your rewards grow the more you go. There’s no better way to reward your wanderlust.

Members-only deals
First access to new tours

Members-only deals
First access to new tours
$100 Welcome Home Credit
$100 Future Tour Credit

Members-only deals
First access to new tours
$100 Welcome Home Credit
$175 Future Tour Credit

Members-only deals
First access to new tours
$100 Welcome Home Credit
$250 Future Tour Credit

Members-only deals
First access to new tours
$100 Welcome Home Credit
$350 Future Tour Credit
Free 20th tour*
30th tour Business Class upgrade credit*

Earn rewards, make memories.
“We’re curious about other people, their customs, their food, their beliefs. Reading and television offer clues—but nothing beats seeing for ourselves. So, this is why we keep traveling. We’re fulfilling our dreams.”
—Peter & Merrily, Globetrotters / 14 past tours
*See our Terms & Conditions